In a previous posting, I mentioned a 1966 recording of LOUIE LOUIE by the Franklin High School Choir Orchestra and Stage Band. At the time I wrote it, I wasn’t sure where this high school was located but I had a feeling it was based in Seattle.
I just received another message that confirms that it was indeed the high school based in Seattle:
This concerns your post of a rendition of Louie Louie by the Franklin High School stage band from a record album that was a “thrift store special.” (I still own a couple of those albums.)
I confirm your assumption that the stage band was from the Franklin High School that is located in Seattle, Washington. I played alto saxaphone in that stage band. We played Louie Louie as a “pep band” at our basketball games, pep assemblies, etc. That record album was produced in 1966 (or possibly in the fall 1965) as one of the many fundraising projects for the choir (named Bel Cantos) and stage band’s 30-day concert tour of Europe in June 1966. We visited and performed in Scotland, Wales, England, West Germany, Berlin, France, and The Netherlands.
It appears that the complete record album, including Louie Louie, is now posted at: 1966 Bel Cantos Choir and stage band is having its first reunion in October of this year, 2009.
Doug Schafer
Franklin High School Class of 1967