I think I’ve probably given The Sonics the slightly-prestigious “LOUIE of the Week” more times than any other musical group, but it’s a band that I never expected to reunite. After they did that big Cavestomp reunion in 2007, things have been on a roll for the band, and they’re getting more attention than they ever had in the course of their entire career.
This week, I’m awarding the Sonics another LOUIE of the Week thanks to a recent performance at Debaser Medis, Stockholm, Sweden on Nov 27, 2009, where they were joined by The Hives, a Swedish band that has helped propel the current generation of garage rock music into the 21st Century.
It looks like at least two people were able to capture this moment for posterity, and share it on YouTube, so here’s what I found….
First, the view from WHATGTG:
Followed by another angle from miajap:
With a good broadband connection, and fast fingers on the keyboard, mouse or trackpad, you might be able to match them up for a quasi-live 2 camera performance! ENJOY!
Thanks for the idea of syncing up the videos