I’d like to send a shout-out to all of my friends! Happy Holidays to all my friends- Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Joyful Hanukkah, Peaceful Solistice, Groovin’ Kwanzaa, Festive Festivus, Happy New Year and anything else you feel like celebrating! May this special period of the year be a time of peace, reflection and celebration!
A few years ago, I wrote something about Rockin’ Robin Roberts, an important person in the LOUIE legacy that died in a violent car accident three days before Christmas in 1967. For those that loved him, his loss was a terrible tragedy that happened during what should have been a time of celebration.
For many of you, the holidays can be especially challenging. Some of us recently lost loved ones, while others are suffering financially or even dealing with serious health issues.
If you can take a message from this blog, it’s that you’re not alone in whatever it is you’re feeling.
May this be a time for celebration! CHEERS!
The Rockin’ Roberts article you wrote was before I started following your blog, but I went back just now and read it. What a great article! The sentiments expressed there and in the current article are pretty darn nice, especially this time of year.
And I also would like to know what Rockin’ Roberts would have to say about the whole Louie Louie thing…