Passed on by my friends at Rock ‘n’ Rap Confidential, here’s something for our comrades in New Orleans:
HIGH NOON August 26 Sunday we are organizing a Silent second line in protest of the lack of local, state and national support for our local musicians. We will be paying 2 brass bands to march without playing. Hankies waving, umbrellas, indians in costume from Armstrong Park to Jackson square. No music.
We will ask musicians all over the world to support the protest with 1 hour of Silence.
Please support us. We need to know we are not alone as we approach the 2nd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Our task force will be circulating our Save New Orleans Musicians Manifesto after a meeting at the musicians union hall on July 31.
Cheers, Bethany
Bethany Ewald Bultman
NOMC Co-Founder and Program Director
New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic
504 415-3514 NOMC OFC.