It’s been a whirlwind of activity for yours truly, and when I have a chance to do a decent write-up, I’ll try to write up something about LOUIEFEST 2007, Marcel Chouinard, Barry Curtis & Daily Flash, the amazing Jeff Miller of Wiley’s Golden Oldies, and Mark Lindsay‘s new restaurant in Portland. It does take time to write, and edit photos but with all the driving I’ve been doing in the past few days. It was close to 1,000 miles from my home, and it’s been quite an adventure.
I’m also amazed by the massive amount of spam I’ve received. My filters aren’t working as well as they should, and when I barely have time to access the internet, I’m spending more time than I’d prefer trashing all the nonsense when I’d prefer to spend more time answering email and writing. I suppose I’ll have to look at the anti-spam options provided by my hosting company, and deal with it all the best I can….
In the meantime, here’s a photo I took earlier in the evening of the building that was once a recording studio owned by Robert Lindahl, where both the Kingsmen and Paul Revere & the Raiders recorded their versions of LOUIE LOUIE in 1963. In 1993, there was a special plaque ceremony put on by the Oregon Historical Society, attended by both Richard Berry and The Kingsmen. Within a year, some vandal stole the plaque from the wall, and it was never replaced. As you can see in this picture, there’s still a marking on the wall where the plaque was.
Today will be the one of the longer days of driving, as I’ve got a Mapquest estimate of 10 hours from the hotel I’m staying at tonight. It’s a good thing I’ve got some great music to listen to…