A few weeks ago, we had the Academy Awards. I still haven’t watched the whole thing yet, but one of these days, I plan on checking out the show, recorded for posterity on a little DVD-R.
One thing I did catch was the presentation for the best animated short film. There was one nominated film that caught my attention, so I made a note to check it out later. “I Met the Walrus” didn’t win the big prize, but it was a project that I could certainly relate to.
Back in 1969, a 14 year old kid named Jerry Levitan skipped school so he could sneak into a hotel room where he could meet his hero John Lennon, who was in Toronto with Yoko Ono to promote the cause of peace. He brought in a tape recorder, and was able to conduct a interview with John for about 40 minutes.
Many years later, Jerry hooked up with director Josh Raskin, illustrators James Braithwaite and Alex Kurina to create a unique little animated short film that used 5 minutes of the Lennon interview to tell the story of his meeting with this musical legend.
Luckily you can obtain a copy of this project by purchasing a $1.99 download at iTunes. As a big fan of Lennon, I really enjoyed this program, and encourage others to check it out.
You can read more about this project, and watch a quick trailer at