Apologies for the delay in posting this week’s LOUIE of the week. It’s been a busy week, and my unintentional, but mostly-positive upgrade of the WordPress blog software slowed things down around here, but things are returning to normalcy, whatever that means…
This week’s LOUIE of the Week comes from Hamburg, Germany. Holger of the musical group Terrorist in Mind writes:
I’m writing from Germany, just finished my own special version of Louie Louie, the hookline is from Iggy Pop‘s version, the rest i played and sang on my own, the first time i heard of the song was at a concert of Black Flag around 1980 in Hamburg/Germany.
I always wanted to do my own version, but sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but here it is……
To hear this version of LOUIE LOUIE, go to http://www.tim-music.de. Find the Downloads page, you should be able to find LOUIE LOUIE, which you can download as an MP3 file.