There will not be a LOUIE FEST this year. Here’s the official word from the LOUIE FEST MySpace page:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, LouieFest ’08 is cancelled. Information will be available in the coming weeks regarding LouieFest ’09. We have some great sponsors lined up and this will be the biggest and best show yet! We will send out a bulletin to all of our friends when the new LouieFest MySpace is posted. Thanks for checking in, thanks to all of our great bands and friends – see you next year! Merri
For more information, go to:
I’m not surprised. The only time they drew anywhere close to 1000 Guitars was the first year, 2003, in Cheney Stadium. There just isn’t much interest in the idea.
Hey there.
Will there be held a LOUIE Fest in 2013?
I am going to the States with a friend in summer of 2013 and would very much like to be there.
So: Louie Fest in 2013 – and where?
Thanks 🙂
Jesper Witte, Denmark.
Anybody hear the rumor that LouieFest may get ressurected this year? The date is reportedly July 28th & 29th, 2012. The location is said to be the new LeMay car museum in Tacoma Washington. Can’t find any info…