Stumbling around the internet tonight, I found myself at, the website for a company that creates Batmobile repllica kits. If I had the money, I could build my very own working Batmobile, and be the envy of all my fellow pop culture enthusiasts.
This photo caught my eye. Someone drove their Batmobile across the United States, and took a lot of photos. This is one of photos, and it shows the Batmobile on Route 66 at a town known as Kingman, which I believe is in New Mexico is in Arizona.
The first question that came to mind:
Did the Kingsmen ever play at Kingman?
The second question:
Where does one park their Batmobile, anyways?
UPDATE: Dick Peterson of the Kingsmen informed that the Kingsmen did indeed play at Kingman. I don’t have an actual date, thou.
Actually, Kingman is in Arizona. You can clearly see the state flag depicted twice on signs of the light pole just above the Batmobile.
I’m glad SOMEONE is paying attention! Thank you!