An article posted at yesterday:
Classic rock’s Paul Revere flooded with well wishes and prayers for good health
On August 13, 2013, Facebook trended strongly for bandleader and music icon Paul Revere, as longtime fans and new visitors alike flocked to Revere’s “Paul Revere and the Raiders” Facebook page to express their thoughts, concerns and prayers for healing. Revere, their beloved leader, is presently battling unspecified health problems, which have come to public attention today via numerous social media posts.
To read more of this article, click HERE.
Please Visit:
Paul Revere and the Raiders Facebook Page
Paul Revere and the Raiders Official Web Site
UPDATE from the man himself (August 15th on Facebook):
Hey kids, it’s me, Paul Revere!
That’s right, I’m still alive and still kickin’! The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, but I won’t lie to you, I got my butt kicked but good. If you live long enough you’re going to get something, and over the past 75 years I’ve had just about everything you can get – 2 types of cancer (beat em both!), rotator cuff surgery (killed it!), hysterectomy (don’t ask) and on and on – there’s always maintenance and repair in this band, now it’s my turn. Again!
I don’t want to get into the details but let’s just say, it ain’t fun. It’s been rough getting through the last few shows but I would do whatever it takes to avoid missing a show. I’m giving it my all, and then some, and the band tells me I’ve been even more awesome than usual. Of course, I do have the gun.
I want to thank you all for the prayers, they’re working! You people must be in good with the Lord because I’m feeling better and stronger every day. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to all of our upcoming shows, it’s what I live for! I mean, performing for you is literally what I live for, and that’s no joke. So, keep the prayers coming, and keep me alive long enough to come to your town a couple more times. I promised my guys I was going to live to be 100 and to plan accordingly. Now I’ve got to keep my promise.
I love you all,
PaulPS-Thanks to the for this article
His Facebook page also shared some photos from tonight’s show – August 25th: