This week’s LOUIE is a bit of mash-up – mixing the music by Zanini, The Swamp Rats and others to create something called “Louie Néné Louie Nana.” Heres the official description of this fan-based creation…
Just for fun, a mix between “Wana Nene Wana Nana” of Zanini (70s French Pop) and “Louie Louie” of The Swamp Rats (60s Garage Punk). With the Participation of… The Phantom, The Blue Cats, The Cramps, Kip Tyler, The Novas, Los Shain’s, Lalo Schrifin, James Brown, Lazy Lester, Paul Horta. I hope you’re enjoy it ! The 2 originals dong are here…
If you are offended by scantily-clad burlesque dancers, please don’t bother with this one!
Every body else… ENJOY!