My friend Wm. Christman, a KFJC Max LOUIE alumni, just sent me this photo from Portland, Oregon. This is the new plaque at the location where the Kingsmen recorded their version of LOUIE LOUIE back in 1963. There was a big ceremony for this plaque in September last year, and my friend Cindy Lindahl, daughter of original studio owner/ engineer Robert Lindahl, did a guest blog post reporting on that very event.
It’s a shame the plaque didn’t acknowledge Paul Revere & the Raiders as well, as they recorded their version a couple days later in the same studio. Revere & Raiders were the first rock band signed to Columbia Records – the world’s largest record label in 1963, and their single of LL was the first record released as part of that alliance.
Anyways, I’m glad this new plaque was installed by the Oregon Music Hall of Fame. Hopefully this one will stay at the location for a very long time. The other plaque – installed in 1993, stolen a few years later….. listed the wrong recording date.
More details on the recording studio, 1993 ceremony and plaque can be found by clicking HERE…