Two guys that are doing a lot to preserve some great history of Los Angeles 1960s pop culture are Domenic Priore and Brian Chidester, who’ve published some excellent articles with their Dumb…
Steve Propes’ ultra-rare “LOUIE LOVIE” 45 single
Here’s an image that you’ll be be unlikely to see anywhere else. My friend Steve Propes, who’s provided some excellent support to THE MEANING OF LOUIE documentary project over the years, has…
Whew…. what a week!
It’s been a very busy week for your truly. I’ve been working on a lot of video projects. I’m editing another music video project for a client. On Thursday, I shot a…
More on the LOUIE Video Contest!
This week we unveiled the official webpage for the First LOUIE LOUIE Video Contest, but we didn’t get around to sending out any notices until Friday. Web design, especially when it involves…
The LOUIE LOUIE Video Contest!
To celebrate the upcoming Louie Fest 2007, the organizers of the LouieFest have teamed up with, in conjunction with MOstuf Productions and Natalis Group to create the very first Plug-In LOUIE…
Update on E.P.’s Hard Drive Disaster
Ten days ago, I wrote about a terrible hard drive crash. Approximately 500 GB of data was potentially lost forever, as this was one particular hard drive I did not get around…
NEW Richard Berry video- live with Shockwaves 1988
I haven’t posted any original video footage to the blog lately, so I’ve decided to change that today… This is Richard Berry performing with the Shockwaves at the 1988 LOUIE LOUIE Parade…
Solidarity with New Orleans Musicians
Passed on by my friends at Rock ‘n’ Rap Confidential, here’s something for our comrades in New Orleans: HIGH NOON August 26 Sunday we are organizing a Silent second line in protest…
Computer Tragedy at LOUIE Central
Tragedy has struck at LOUIE Central. Luckily, It’s not a death, or a medical emergency. On July 4th, there was an awful accident in San Franciso when Roisin Isner, a 16 year…
Sly Stone Lives! …. and other Sunday musings…
Yesterday, I witnessed some musical history. Sly Stone has reunited himself, and performed yesterday in San Jose, California. For those that love the music of Sly and the Family Stone, it was…