Time has such a funny way of sneaking up on us. Some folks are really good at keeping track of such things. For me, it’s a serious struggle. There never seems to…
RIP: Dick Dale, legendary surf guitar player
Eleven days ago, we lost Dick Dale, an innovative guitarist that inspired a generation of musicians. He was called the “King of the Surf Guitar,” as he somehow created a music genre…
LOUIE on TV – part 6 (Happy Days, Fall Guy + Meatloaf)
This week, the latest LOUIE on TV update is provided by two longtime LLama associates !! We begin with two updates from special LLama associate Clay Stabler: Happy Days (CBS) Season 8…
Bar Louie (the gastropubs) !!
This week, it’s been a whirlwind of activities for yours truly with a few days in Seattle, starting with Little Bill’s party a few days ago, but in the meantime…. Have you…
Happy 80th Birthday for Little Bill Engelhart
This weekend, it’s an 80th birthday celebration for Little Bill Engelhart, a genuine Northwest music legend. Little Bill was, and is a very important player in the legend of the song LOUIE…
a plea for my friends James MacLeod and Deborah Merchant
Today, I’m sending a shout-out for two friends that are battling cancer right now, and could use some assistance. James MacLeod is a good friend I’ve known for three decades. I’ve worked…
LOUIE on TV – part 5 (Women of LL)
It’s time for Part 5 of the “LOUIE on TV” posts, which by an unplanned coincidence, feature TV shows where women are the lead characters. We’ll start with the most recent TV…
RIP: Ted Gehrke, San Jose blues king + friend of LOUIE
Last weekend, San Jose lost a great man by the name of Ted Gehrke. Ted was the founder of the San Jose Fountain Blues Festival, the longest running blues festival in the…
RIP: Peter Tork of the Monkees
Last Thursday, we lost Peter Tork, actor/singer/songwriter of The Monkees. According to his website, he passed away after a 10 year bout with adinoid cystic carcenoma, a rare cancer of the salivary…
Animal House References + LOUIE on TV – part 4
This week for Part 4 of the “LOUIE on TV” post, the focus is on two TV episodes that originally used a recording of LOUIE LOUIE for the initial broadcasts, but were…